Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Philadelphia, Here we come!

Its time once again for our adult trip! Rudy and I will spend the night in Dallas Thursday night and catch an early flight Friday morning, bound for Philadelphia, Pa. Missy and Kelly will take shifts here with Whitney, Noah, Ricky, and Jesse! I dont pitty them, they MUST be crazy to take on this job!!!No Really , Ive got the best daughter-in-laws around , they are kind and considerate and would do anything to make my life easier. I thank the Lord for you Missy ! And Kelly!

Here they are on the Left , when they made my "surprise" birthday cake!What sweet girls.

Meo and John have been here this past memorial day weekend looking for a house, and they may have found one. It is an old farmhouse built in 1926 ( same age as Daddy and Aunt Burr) that has been completely renovated and remodeled. It is very pretty! I personally love it and it will be so much fun having my sister 15 minutes away instead of 3 hours away.

I wrote a letter to the editor of the paper Friday, here is a copy :


I whole-heartedly agree with District Judge Cynthia Kent . I think that it is a Judge's responsibility to look at each case as well as each offender independently.My son was arrested for drugs in 2004 before his senior year in high school . It was a warped case but my son plead guilty because he was advised it was the easiest way to get out of trouble, and it was, but I did not know at that time my son was addicted to drugs.The next thing you know he is arrested again and probation is revoked.He spent four months in jail (sentenced by Judge Kent) where he was rushed by ambulance to the emergency room twice and hospitalized for some weeks.

Wonder what that cost the county? He had double pneumonia from sleeping on the floor, and bacterial menengitis from filth.He stayed in the sick tank on the third floor (with no air conditioning)with no hope of making trusty for the remainder of his time . He then got out on a probated sentence again.She also sentenced him to 70 visits to a drug rehab program, which he did and he stayed straight up until 1 week after his "graduation from rehab."He was a model citizen as long as he was in rehab, working, paying his restitution etc.When he fell, he fell hard.He got arrested, this time with cocaine.He was incarcerated in Athens at the Henderson County Jail. He was therefrom Feb. 6, 2006 until May 20, 2006.He served his sentence and the Athens judge was willing to let him out onprobation.He asked the judge there to please send him to Safe-P which is arehabilitation program in a prison-type setting.He says if he gets out without intense rehabilitation he will fail again.So the judge there sentenced him to safe-P.Now he has to come back to Smith county (which he is at low-risk) and goback before judge Kent for revocation of the probated sentence she gave him.The origional charge was in 2004 and like I said before it was a riggedcharge, but it cant be re-visited because he did plea guilty.So, I am praying that Judge kent will recognise that this 21 year old (heturned 21 in March) has a drug problem and not send him to prison.He is sick and needs help, not prison.I might add while incarcerated in Athens, he was chosen as Sheriff's trusty,which is as high as you can go in jail, because he is a good boy (man) verytrustworthy honest and hard-working, apart from the drugs.His court date is coming up soon, I pray she will consider this man as anindividual and not paint him with the broad brush she was talking about.

Glenda Rodriguez


I'll blog more later, I hear Noah! The Lord bless and keep you!

1 comment:

Rudy said...

They are good daughter-in-laws we are blessed to have them..