Thursday, June 01, 2006

I Need Just Such A Friend!

I need just such a friend(William S. Plumer) Jesus knows all my wants and weaknesses; all my sin and misery. He knows the malice of my enemies, and the foolishness of my heart. He haspower to subdue my whole nature to Himself, and to defeat the wiles and machinations of my foes. His grace is all-sufficient. His love is infinite. His wisdom cannot be defeated.His power cannot be resisted. He has all power and strength--and I am very weak. He has all the knowledge to understand my whole case, and all the wisdom necessary to direct everything concerning me. He makes no mistakes. He is never deceived. He is never outsmarted. He knows all things. He knows my weaknesses.He knows my sorrows. He knows my heart. His wisdom never fails. He is never confounded or perplexed. He has as much mercy and kindness as I need. His loving-kindness is so great that we cannot fathom its top or the bottom--the length or the breadth of it. The ocean of the Divine love is boundless and inexhaustible! It is infinite! I have no sorrow to which He is a stranger. He sympathizes with me in all my sufferings and temptations. I need just such a friend."Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." Hebrews 4:16


Anonymous said...

Hi Glenda - just popped over here from Pastor Jim's blog. We're close in age (I'll be 47 in July) Yikes! And I live in Texas too, Hurst.

I've been reading your posts - I'm praying for your son. I know that is a rough road, not over for him but for you as well. I pray God protect him and get hold of his heart!

Carol said...

That was really good and so true. Keep reminding yourself those things and rest in the fact that he is in control & he knows best. I pray he will be with you as you go thru this difficult time with Chad's trial coming up. May the Lord's will be done and his name glorified!

Love ya,

PS. Hope ya'll have a great time in Pennsylvania. Keep us updated on your blog, if you can! (Pictures would be nice)

Glenda, saved by grace said...

Thank you Gayle for your kind words. I read your blog, its very good ( its linked to mine)Also my Dear sister, thank you for your wisdom and your prayers as well! Hope to see you soon!