Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Checking In

I've been kinda checked out of blogland.
I've had a-lot of major issues going on in my life. I'm trying to take one day at a time and deal the best way I know how.
I am just so glad that I have the ROCK as my foundation or else I would have crumbled.
I am generally a pretty tough ole' gal but as of late I have been a bumbling spineless jellyfish, with absolutely no confidence in myself. That could be a good thing... God has been holding me up! These issue's will either pass or be resolved.
I keep quoting Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.
I stand on that verse, my life revolves on that verse. I think that the "all things" is exactly that ALL THINGS...good , bad, indifferent. I think that as a christian, God is growing me through trials. He puts us through the refiners fire, and makes us pure. I want God's will in my life. I want to be what He wants me to be. I know that prayer doesn't necessarily change things, but it can and will change me.

Friends, I need your prayer.


Unknown said...

ilove you:)

Unknown said...
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Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

So proud of you! I know it took such courage to post this! Thank you for sharing! God loves you without condition sister. He goes before you, Deut. 31:8

Karyn @ Candarbry Garden said...

I have been praying ever since you "dissapeared" on us. I will keep it up. You are wise and with God, all will come to his glory. <3 Karyn

Dee said...

Life is tough at times..our expectations, our giving all of ourselves to our family, friends, church, losses and illness will all throw us off balance at times but the Lord will walk through it with you and the sun will shine again. Be strong, trust and lean on God and know that you are being held up in prayer. God does answer prayer. Sometimes it takes awhile as he works in the life of the one we are concerned about or our health encounters a healing process. I always remember what i learned as I first became a Christian..Lord change ME in all things. How I think, How I react. Christmas Blessings. Dee

gramma2many said...

Been thinking something might be troubling you. You are strong and faithful. He is ever with you. Lean on Him.
You have lots of friends out here who care and will pray for you and your family.

Mamaw 28 said...

You have family that cares and prays for you as well. Love you little sister!

Becky said...

You have been a voice of support for me out here now I am here for you. Know I will be praying for you and sending my love to you and your family.
I know it gets hard sometimes but one thing you can rely on Jesus loves you and is always with you!

Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

Merry Christmas Glenda!

Gramma 2 Many said...

I think you have been swallowed up by Face Book!!!!!!

Dontmissyoursunsetlady said...

Missing you in BLOGLAND... PRAYING!

K.Alarcon said...

Visit my blog and preferably "participate"