Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day!

This must have been Daddy's 2nd Father's day with his only daughter Mary Ellen!

Here he is again with his 2 pretty little girls, Mary Ellen and Carol!
I asked Daddy what did he think when they had me, and he said "O Lord another girl! Here I am with my 2 big sisters and my daddy!

Then FINALLY...He got his boy. Here's Buster with Daddy.

Today! L to R- Me Daddy, Mary Ellen, and Buster! Carol wasn't here and we sure missed her.
Happy Fathers day to Rudy! Here's Whitney, Jesse and Ricky,with their daddy! Little Rudy was not here, we missed him!

Here's Papaw King. Happy fathers day to him too!


Mamaw 28 said...

Happy Father's Day to all!! Hope you all had a great day.

Carol said...

Good pictures! Daddy sure was a tall thin guy back in those days.

Wish I could have been there with ya'll on Father's Day.